Capt-all® Compliance Center

The Compliance Center is a one-stop shop to manage your dental office's amalgam recycling and track compliance. Once you're all set up, you'll be able to:

  • Request a new recycle container shipping label with just a couple clicks
  • Get your recycling label, track your shipment, and get your recycling certificate
  • See your recycling history, past certificates, and compliance status


Features for DSOs and compliance officers

We know managing compliance for multiple locations can be challenging, so we designed the Compliance Center to make this as easy as possible for you.

  • See all your dental offices in a single view
  • Quickly add a new location
  • See a quick overview of all your office locations and their compliance status
  • Click into a single office to see recycling history, active requests, and recycling certificates


Initial setup

Create your account

The first time you visit the portal, you'll need to create your login. This is using a tool called Airtable, and it will say that you've been invited by Ryan.

Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Click on this link which will open the Compliance Center in a new tab
  2. Click "Continue with Google" to use your Google account, or sign up with your email, name, and a password
  3. You'll be taken to the "Offices Overview" page

From here it depends on whether you've recycled with Dove before.

Have recycled before

If the email you used to set up your account matches the email we have on file for your dental office, then you'll see your office details right away.

If you don't see anything, email and tell us the contact info for your dental office and the email you used to sign up, and we'll link your login to your office so that it shows up in the Compliance Center.

Haven't recycled before

Click the "Add Dental Office" button at the top right, and fill in the details for your office. Make sure to enter the same email address that you used to set up your account above.

Then you can go back to the Compliance Center and you'll see your dental office details in there.

Need help?

Just email or call 1-855-800-3683 and we'll be happy to walk you through the process and get you going right away.


How it works

When you get into the Compliance Center, there are 3 main screens:

  • Offices Overview
  • Active Recycling Requests
  • Completed Recycling Requests

Offices Overview

This is where you can see all the dental offices that you have access to. If you're just a single location, then you'll just see it here. If you're a DSO or have multiple locations, then they'll all be listed here, sorted by whether they are compliant or not (meaning that they have recycled within the past 365 days).

Active Recycling Requests

This is the place for recycling requests that are still in progress. Select an office at the top, and any active requests will be shown below. Recycling requests have 5 stages:

  1. Label Requested - when you first create the new request and we haven't processed it yet
  2. Label Sent - when we add the shipping label to the Compliance Center and email it to you
  3. Shipped - once we get a notification that you've used the label to ship your recycling container back to us
  4. Received - once the recycling container arrives at our facility
  5. Recycled - when we process the recycling container and create the certificate

Completed Recycling Requests

This is the place for recycling requested that have been completed, which means we have processed the recycling container and created the certificate. You can see all of your past recycling requests here, and view or download the certificates.

Requesting a new recycling label

Once your recycling container is full, or if it's been a year since the last time you recycled, it's time to request a new recycling shipping label. We've made this process super easy for you:

  1. Go to the Compliance Center if you're not there already
  2. Click on either Active Recycling Requests or Completed Recycling Requests
  3. Select the dental office at the top (if you have more than one location)
  4. Click the button that says New Recycling Request
  5. Enter the number of recycling containers you need to recycle (usually just 1)
  6. Click Send Request

That's it! Since your dental office information is already stored, there's no need to enter it every time.

Note: the shipping labels aren't automatic, so it may take up to 1 business day for us to process your request and add the shipping label to the portal.

Checking on a an existing request

To check on the status of a request you've already submitted, just go to the Active Recycling Requests page and all the details will be there.

If the status says Label Sent, you'll be able to view, download, and print the shipping label right from here. The label will also be emailed to you.

Downloading a recycling certificate

Once we have received and processed your recycling shipment, the certificate will be emailed to you, and it will also be stored in the Compliance Center. Here's how to access it:

  1. Go to the Compliance Center if you're not there already
  2. Click on either Completed Recycling Requests
  3. Select the dental office at the top (if you have more than one location)
  4. The most recent request will be at the top
  5. Click on the certificate thumbnail to see the full-size version
  6. Click the Download or Print icon at the top right

Reordering Capt-all®

If you're sending in a container for recycling, that probably means you're getting low on Capt-all® tips, so we've made it quick and easy to reorder from the same place that you manage the recycling:

  1. Go to the Compliance Center if you're not there already
  2. Click on either Active Recycling Requests or Completed Recycling Requests
  3. Select the dental office at the top (if you have more than one location)
  4. Click the button that says Order Capt-all
  5. Fill out the form, and we will forward your order to your preferred distributor for them to fulfill